Showing 11-20 of 23 titles.
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In 2009, Andrew Grant began photographing dogs, starting with two French bulldogs at an unrelated commercial “shoot. ” Then he discovered the sad fact that millions of lost or abandoned dogs enter ...

Wade Davis

By (author) Wade Davis
Categories: Individual photographers

A stunning photography collection from celebrated anthropologist Wade Davis, representing the vast diversity of communities and cultural traditions he has encountered in the course of his career. To learn ...

On the Labrador

By (author) Arnold Zageris
Categories: Individual photographers

Why Labrador?

One of my most persistent memories of this rarely seen part of Canada has been northern Labrador's vastness, isolation and wildness.

Far from busy roads or crowded villages the Kiglapaits, ...

The Official Picture

Mandated to foster a sense of national cohesion The National Film Board of Canada's Still Photography Division was the country's official photographer during the mid-twentieth century. Like the Farm Security ...

The Cultural Work of Photography in Canada

The Cultural Work of Photography in Canada is an in-depth study on the use of photographic imagery in Canada from the late nineteenth century to the present. This volume of fourteen essays provides a ...

Harvest Pilgrims

Like migratory birds, most of Canada's 20,000 'guest' farm workers arrive in the spring and leave in the autumn. Hailing primarily from Mexico, Jamaica, and smaller countries of the Caribbean, these temporary ...

Honouring Tradition

By (author) Glenbow Museum
Categories: History of art

To explore the diverse ways this art can be understood, the Glenbow Museum invited Aboriginal elders, leaders and artists to share their perspectives with non-Native museum staff. The resulting dialogue ...

Framing Identity

By (author) Susan Close
Categories: Photography and photographs

Framing Identity defines photography as social practice and examines how women moved beyond making pictorial images to using photography as a form of speech to represent social issues. Key concepts and ...

Northern Exposures

By (author) Peter Geller
Categories: Photography

To many, the North is a familiar but inaccessible place. Yet images of the region are within easy reach, in magazine racks, on our coffee tables, and on television, computer, and movie screens. In Northern ...

East Timor: Testimony

By (author) Elaine Briere
Contributions by Noam Chomsky
Categories: Photographs: collections

The People of East Timor endured the brutality of colonization and invasion, to emerge into the uncertain light of nationhood. At this point of transition, through stunning images and insightful texts, ...