Showing 51-60 of 88 titles.
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The Book of Were

By (author) Wayne Clifford
Categories: Poetry

The nature of the Deity, illuminated first through a prism of found nineteenth-century steel engravings, is subsequently reconsidered by the most famous lost Canadian poet of the 1960s.

Black Velvet Elvis

By (author) J. D. Black
Categories: Poetry

The King himself puts in a cameo appearance at a rural Quebec Gas-Bar de la Nuit where the glowing ends of several dozen cigarettes counterpoint an urgent bass line to the syncopated doo-wap of several ...

Visible Living

By (author) Marya Fiamengo
Categories: Poetry

Marya Fiamengo’s first collection of poems, The Quality of Halves, was published in 1958 when the poet was thirty-one. Subsequent volumes, including Overheard at the Oracle (1969). Silt of Iron (1971), ...

Whiskey Bullets

By (author) Garry Gottfriedson
Categories: Poetry

Eloquent, poignant and witty, Garry Gottfriedson’s new collection of poetry, Whiskey Bullets, approaches an old genre with a new flare that will challenge your expectations of cowboy poetry. This edgy ...

Kingdom, Phylum

By (author) Adam Dickinson
Categories: Poetry

Ecologically aware poems, hardwired to the intellect and the heart in equal measure. ;

Adam Dickinson?s poems, with firm intellectual bite and imaginative scope, reach fresh levels of poetic?and ecological?awareness. ...

I, Nadja and Other Poems

By (author) Susan Elmslie
Categories: Poetry

Poems that reach towards the lost or the might have been. ;

In her debut collection, Susan Elmslie delves into the life and mental illness of the real person behind André Breton’s surrealist romance, ...

Writing the Tides

By (author) Kevin Roberts
Categories: Poetry

Speaking of Kevin Roberts, the Australian writer Nigel Krauth says, "Roberts takes the common man’s point of view and proves that humanity is still connected to the great turning of the universe. " ...


By (author) Nancy Holmes
Categories: Poetry

Motherhood-personal, historical, mythological. Mandorla is all about mothers and children, especially the mothering of challenging children, children with disabilities. In the first section of Nancy Holmes’ ...


By (author) Pierre Nepveu
Translated by Judith Cowan
Categories: Poetry

In this powerful and original collection, Pierre Nepveu, one of Quebec’s foremost poets, recreates the tragic circumstances surrounding the construction of Montreal’s Mirabel airport. In an exceptional ...