Showing 331-340 of 518 titles.
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Recent years have seen the retrenchment of Canadian social programs and the restructuring of the welfare state along neo-liberal lines. Social programs have been cut back, eliminated, or recast in exclusionary ...

In Search of Canadian Political Culture

By (author) Nelson Wiseman
Categories: Political Science

What do we really mean by phrases such as “western Canadian political culture,” “the centrist political culture of Ontario,” “Red Toryism in the Maritimes,” or “Prairie socialism”? What ...

Hierarchies of Belonging

By (author) Ailsa Henderson
Categories: Sociology

"As we incorporate objective and subjective boundaries and view national identification as a process that relies on a shared understanding of several social factors, we can gain a more detailed view of ...

Transforming the Nation

By (author) Raymond B. Blake
Categories: Politics and government

Raymond B. Blake is professor, history, University of Regina and former director of the Saskatchewan Institute of Public Policy.

Canadas of the Mind

By (author) Norman Hillmer & Adam Chapnick
Categories: Political Science

Norman Hillmer is professor of history and international affairs, Carleton University, and co-author of Empire to Umpire: Canada and the World into the Twenty-First Century.

Adam Chapnick is deputy chair, ...

The Canadian Founding

Janet Ajzenstat is professor emeritus, political science, McMaster University. Her most recent book on the Canadian constitution is The Once and Future Canadian Democracy: An Essay in Political Thought. ...

Filming Politics

The National Film Board of Canada (NFB) was created in 1939 to produce, distribute, and promote Canadian cinema both domestically and abroad. During the early years of the NFB, its creative output was ...

Free Speech in Fearful Times

How post-9/11 anti-terror laws have limited free speech in Canada and abroad

Following the events of 9/11, rashly conceived anti-terror laws were introduced that put civil liberties at risk, and eliminated ...

Constructing Tomorrow's Federalism

Edited by Ian Peach
Foreword by Roy Romanow
Categories: Politics and government

Governance of the federation is more complex today than ever before: perennial issues of federalism remain unresolved, conflicts continue over the legitimacy of federal spending power, and the accommodation ...