Showing 341-350 of 639 titles.
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Desiring Canada

By (author) Patricia Cormack & James Cosgrave
Categories: Sociology

What do Tim Hortons, Hockey Night in Canada, and Rick Mercer have in common? Each is a popular symbol of Canadian identity, seen across the country – and beyond – on television and in other forms ...

Women's Work, Women's Art

Garments made from tanned animal hides afforded Northern Athapaskans protection against a harsh northern environment, but the striking features of this clothing are also a distinctive part of the traditional ...

Disinherited Generations

This oral autobiography of two remarkable Cree women tells their life stories against a backdrop of government discrimination, First Nations activism, and the resurgence of First Nations communities. ...

Stories in a New Skin

In an age where southern power-holders look north and see only vacant polar landscapes, isolated communities, and exploitable resources, it is important to note that the Inuit homeland encompasses extensive ...

Standing Up with G̲a'ax̱sta'las

Standing Up with Ga’axsta’las tells the remarkable story of Jane Constance Cook (1870-1951), a controversial Kwakwaka’wakw leader and activist who lived during a period of enormous colonial upheaval. ...

Ethnic Elites and Canadian Identity

Ethnic elites, the influential business owners, teachers, and newspaper editors within distinct ethnic communities, play an important role as self-appointed mediators between their communities and “mainstream” ...

Jamaica in the Canadian Experience

In 2012, Jamaica celebrates its fiftieth anniversary of independence from Britain. In the short period of its life as a nation, Jamaica’s increasingly powerful influence on global culture cannot go ...

“Too Asian?”

The now notorious Maclean?s article ?'Too Asian?'? from the magazine?s 2010 campus issue has sparked a national furor about race in Canadian higher education. Since the founding of the federal policy of ...

Settlement, Subsistence, and Change Among the Labrador Inuit

On January 22, 2005, Inuit from communities throughout northern and central Labrador gathered in a school gymnasium to witness the signing of the Labrador Inuit Land Claim Agreement and to celebrate the ...

People of the Middle Fraser Canyon

By (author) Anna Marie Prentiss & Ian Kuijt
Categories: Ethnic studies

The Middle Fraser Canyon contains some of the most important archaeological sites in British Columbia, including the remains of ancient villages that supported hundreds, if not thousands, of people. How ...