Titles from Canadian Publishers attending the Bologna Children's Book Fair

The Bologna Children’s Book Fair is a showcase for Canadian publishers of children’s and young adult books. You’ll find 20 of them on the collective stand this year, and 13 more throughout the fair. Together they represent the outstanding quality and creativity of Canadian publishing.

Showing 61-70 of 107 title(s)
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Les Éblouissants

By (author) Ève Patenaude

Series: Crypto

Une étrange explosion violette propulse Lilah et ses amis dans une réalité parallèle. Une lumière intense irradie de leur corps : ils sont devenus des Éblouissants. Leurs pas les conduisent jusqu’à ...

Cours, Ben, cours!

Ben se réveille en sursaut. Dans sa ville, la plus laide, la plus noire, la plus sale des villes, un train a déraillé. Tout brûle !
Vite, Ben installe son père dans sa poussette et tente de sortir ...


By (author) Su J. Sokol
Translated by Sylvie Nicolas

Series: Mouton noir Acadie

Zee entend ce que vous pensez, et ressent ce que vous ressentez. À travers vos regards, Zee se voit elle-même, et cette vision la transforme. Parfois, Zee est la fille précoce de ses quatre adultes. ...


By (author) Mélanie Michaud

It’s the middle of the 80s. Little Melanie bravely faces the poverty, cruelty, and injustice of her neighbourhood, which people refer to as “Burgundy. ” With her dishevelled hair and her grape juice ...

C'est quoi l'amour?

By (author) Lucile de Pesloüan
Illustrated by Geneviève Darling

Series: Griff

Qui ne s’est pas déjà posé cette question ? C’est quoi l’amour ? L’amour a mille visages, mille facettes. C’est ce qu’éprouvent deux personnes l’une pour l’autre mais également le ...

Le pire meilleur ami

Theo and Azalea have been best friends forever. When Theo tells Azalea he won’t accompany her to the Summer Solstice Dance because he’s going with his new boyfriend, his lifelong friend is furious. ...

L'image en mouvement

By (author) Philippe Lemieux
Illustrated by Garry

Series: L' Histoire du cinéma en BD

Go back in time with Philip and Melanie, two film enthusiasts who are eager to share their endless knowledge about the art form. The duo starts from the very beginning: the birth of the moving image. ...

Le cochon qui voulait dire non

By (author) Carine Paquin
Illustrated by Laurence Dechassey

Series: La ferme de la Haute-Cour

Gédéon, the pig, has a birthmark on his hind leg. Every morning, the animals of the Haute-Cour Farm come to give it a touch as they are convinced that the mark brings them good luck. Even if he doesn’t ...


By (author) Mia Caron

I fell for Jérôme in front of a breakfast plate, the morning after New Year’s Day. I admired how easy it was for him to reveal himself while eating a mountain of potatoes. I cherished that he knew ...

Les forêts

By (author) Québec Amérique
Illustrated by Marc Chouinard & Marthe Boisjoly

Series: Sa[voir]

MÖBIUS, a non-fiction series like no other, presents historical facts, wacky information and simple solutions to help the environment. Funny sketches and hyper-realistic illustrations share the pages ...