Children’s / Teenage: General interest

Showing 41-50 of 307 title(s)
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Becoming Bionic and Other Ways Science Is Making Us Super

Take a tour of the science of superpowers and see how science fiction is becoming science fact

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Fly like Shazam? Turn invisible like Violet Parr? Or maybe ...

What to Bring

A moving story about making tough choices when disaster strikes

Malia and her family are spending a day outside when they notice something strange. Huge white-and-gray clouds fill the sky, planes zoom ...

Are We Having Fun Yet?

Humans have searched out fun for centuries.

Chariot races. Dueling crickets. Roller coasters. Rubik's Cubes. It seems we've always had a knack for finding interesting ways to have a good time. Of course, ...

Little Detectives: Dinosaurs

Discover the wonderful lost world of dinosaurs!

Get out your magnifying glass, little detective, and go on a journey into the astonishing world of dinosaurs. Flying or swimming, big or small, with feathers ...

Samuel & the Little People

The story of the origins of the Indigenous Little People as told in the journal of Samuel White Wolf and his encounters with them.

Let's Make Cookies!

The first in Company’s Coming’s new series Kids in the Kitchen, Let’s Make Cookies! features recipes for all the cookies that kids love to eat and will love to make! With clear, step-by-step instructions, ...

Atlas mondial des dinosaures et autres animaux disparus

Édition revue, corrigée et actualisée par François Therrien, Ph. D., paléontologue au Musée royal Tyrrell en Alberta;

Un outil ludique et éducatif pour découvrir à la fois la faune préhistorique ...