Children’s: picture books, activity books, early learning concepts

Showing 151-160 of 323 title(s)
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Un géant dans la tête

Matis, 16 ans, est né hémophile. Imaginez habiter un corps qui ne peut pas encaisser de coup… Le moindre choc peut lui causer une grave hémorragie. Mais la vraie blessure inguérissable est familiale. ...

Tomi et ses amis poilus

By (author) Nadine Robert
Illustrated by Kanae Sato
Categories: Children’s picture books

Tomi can’t stop pouting. The more his family tries to help him, the more Tomi frowns. Tomi wants a furry animal friend to play with! Fortunately, his grandpa knows a secret place where furry animals ...

Goodnight Around the World

This soothing board book is perfect for sleepy little ones in need of a bedtime story and a cuddle. When darkness falls and everything goes quiet, children get ready to say good night all around the world. ...

100 First Animals: A Carry Along Book

An excellent introduction to words featuring themes and illustrations, satisfying young fans of the animal world with a fun board book! Packed with charming illustrations of a wide variety of animals ...

It's Time for Bed

It’s time for Siasi to go to bed, but she doesn’t want to brush her teeth or put away her toys. It’s so much more fun to play with all the animals of the Arctic! Wouldn’t everyone rather dance ...

The Better Tree Fort

A father’s love is worth more than the best tree fort money can buy.

The Sockeye Mother

To the Gitxsan people of northwestern British Columbia, the sockeye salmon is more than just a source of food. Over its life cycle, it nourishes the very land and forests that the Skeena River runs through ...

Anatole qui ne séchait jamais

By (author) Stéphanie Boulay
Illustrated by Agathe Bray-Bourret
Categories: Picture storybooks
Series: Histoires de vivre

Anatole est inconsolable. Rien ni personne ne peut soulager sa peine. Jusqu’à ce que sa grande soeur Régine se donne pour mission de comprendre ce qui le rend si malheureux… Pour sa première incursion ...


Aucun autre kangourou ne bondit comme le petit Malou. Un bond, deux bonds, trois bonds : il s’élance toujours plus haut et toujours plus fort. Mais un jour, sans comprendre ce qui lui arrive, Malou ...

Les Parpadouffes au pays des beaux pruneaux

Les Parpadouffes sont trois adorables créatures en quête d’aventures ! Avec leurs parents, ils vivent heureux dans leur terrier, mais parcourent le monde extérieur dès qu’une occasion se présente. ...