
Showing 281-290 of 392 title(s)
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By (author) Robin Philpot
Categories: History

Canada in Space

By (author) Chris Gainor
Categories: History of the Americas
Series: Legends

Canadians have always had a pioneering spirit. We’ve explored our country and our planet, and now we’re exploring space. Read more about Canada’s amazing contributions to space research and discovery: ...

St. John's College

By (author) J. M. Bumsted
Categories: History of the Americas

With roots going back to the Red River Settlement in the 1850s, Winnipeg’s St. John’s College is the oldest Anglophone educational institution in Western Canada. First founded as a school for the ...

Thompson's Highway

For his third volume about BC literary history, Alan Twigg traces the writings of David Thompson, Alexander Mackenzie, Simon Fraser and thirty of their peers, mainly Scotsmen, who founded and managed ...

A History of Migration from Germany to Canada, 1850-1939

By (author) Jonathan Wagner
Categories: History of the Americas

Jonathan Wagner considers why Germans left their home country, why they chose to settle in Canada, who assisted their passage, and how they crossed the ocean to their new home, as well as how the Canadian ...

An Illustrated Alphabet for the Illiterate

By (author) Rudolf Kurz & Elizabeth Kurz
Categories: History of art

‘Sin creates [ an inclination ] to sin; it engenders vice by repetition of the same acts. This results in perverse inclinations which cloud conscience and corrupt the concrete judgement of good and ...

Charlie Baker George

By (author) Frank Tibbo
Categories: History of the Americas

Additional information from two survivors and two Sabena pilots compliment this popular bestseller. In the cold dark of an early September morning, the crew and passengers of a Sabena Airlines DC4, flight ...

Winnipeg 1912

By (author) Jim Blanchard
Categories: History of the Americas

At the beginning of the last century, no city on the continent was growing faster or was more aggressive than Winnipeg. No year in the city’s history epitomized this energy more that 1912, when Winnipeg ...

Canada and the End of Empire

Edited by Phillip Buckner
Categories: European history

Sir John Seeley once wrote that the British Empire was acquired in “a fit of absence of mind. ” Whatever the truth of this comment, it is certainly arguable that the Empire was dismantled in such ...