Lifestyle, Hobbies and Leisure

Showing 61-70 of 221 title(s)
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Saltwater Gifts from the Island of Newfoundland

By (author) Christine LeGrow & Shirley Scott
Categories: Knitting
Series: Saltwater Knits

Knitted gifts are treasured in Newfoundland, whatever the season. In the latest book of the best-selling Saltwater Knits series, Christine and Shirley offer some of Newfoundland’s most beloved knitwear ...

Menno Moto

In this memoir of an eight-month, 45 000 kilometre motorcycle journey across the Americas following his ancestors’ path south, Mennonite writer Cameron Dueck searches for common ground within his cultural ...

Une semaine de bouffe en 2 heures

Dans cette bible du meal prep, une foule d’idées vous permettront de profiter de menus nourrissants toute la semaine, sans y mettre trop d’efforts ou de temps. Vous y trouverez des recettes de base ...

Les semis du jardinier paresseux

By (author) Larry Hodgson
Categories: Gardening
Series: Le jardinier paresseux

For the home gardener, growing plants from seed is as much a pleasure as a challenge. In this simple and concise book, Larry Hodgson, the “Lazy Gardener,” shares all his secrets on growing plants ...

Les plantes d'intérieur

By (author) Larry Hodgson
Categories: Indoor gardening

The cultivation of indoor plants fascinates you, but you don’t know where to start? This is the ideal book to help you get started. In a text that is easy to understand, Larry Hodgson explains the culture ...

Jardiner à l'intérieur, sur la terrasse et au balcon

By (author) Hélène Baril
Categories: Gardening

A container garden, indoor or outdoor, is a living work that needs the attention and special care that only a passionate gardener can provide. Like all gardening techniques, growing plants in containers ...

La peau et ses secrets

By (author) Jennifer Brodeur
Preface by Anick Lemay
Categories: Cosmetics, hair and beauty

In this meticulously presented and informative book, Jennifer Brodeur slays the myths of the beauty industry with science, tapping into the knowledge and expertise she has gained from treating celebrity ...

Ces muffins dont tout le monde parle

There is no refined sugar or any kind of fat hidden in these 80 recipes. What makes them different: all of the recipes are made with gluten-free or traditional flours, vegan eggs, egg substitutes or hen’s ...

The Earth is Flat!

Original author Leo Ferrari
Edited by Kay Burns & David Eso
Categories: Humour
Series: Social and Economic Studies

Kay Burns and David Eso’s edition of Leo Ferrari’s The Earth is Flat! introduces us to a long forgotten satirical work, which, in an age of fake news, possesses renewed relevance. Ferrari, a philosopher ...

Rain Comin' Down

From one of the world’s foremost authorities on the connections between water, landscape, and our changing climate comes an intimate look at what drives one man’s obsession with the world’s most ...