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Showing 741-746 of 746 title(s)
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The Beothuk of Newfoundland

By (author) Ingeborg Marshall
Categories: European history

A wonderful history of the Red Indians of Newfoundland. Exciting in its detail, this book shares all available information conce ing every aspect of Beothuk life-housing, clothing, hunting methods, arts ...

The Lure of the Labrador Wild

By (author) Dillon Wallace
Categories: History of the Americas

Attracted by Labrador’s unexplored vastness, two American adventurers embark on an ill-planned attempt to traverse Labrador by canoe. Having ingnored the advice of the local guide, the leader of the ...

Country Post

The rural post office in Canada was once a vibrant institution of sociability and communication in Canada. Its impact was both tangible and inescapable. Everyone who lived in a rural community was touched ...