Society and culture: general

Showing 51-60 of 550 title(s)
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Pour l'histoire nationale

By (author) Gérard Bouchard
Categories: Cultural studies

Le fil directeur de ce livre tient dans la crise qui menace actuellement les fondements symboliques de nos sociétés où les principaux vecteurs traditionnels de transmission culturelle (églises, école, ...

J'accuse les tortionnaires d'Omar Khadr

Radicalisé depuis l’âge de quatre ans par son père, acteur principal d’Al-Qaïda et proche de ben Laden, Omar Khadr se retrouve au centre d’un conflit où les fondements mêmes de la justice, ...

Nudités féminines

Figure paradoxale de libération et d’aliénation, la nudité féminine occupe une place privilégiée dans les productions culturelles contemporaines. Support d’un désir masculin, phallique, blanc, ...

Amis des hommes ?

By (author) Louis-André Richard
Categories: Animals and society

Léonard de Vinci prédisait qu’un jour, les hommes regarderaient le meurtre des animaux comme ils regardent le meurtre des humains. Ce progrès de civilisation conduit à repenser la relation et la ...

TautukKonik | Looking Back

TautukKonik / Looking Back shows the strength of our culture. It shows the strength of family and family connection. It was strong, the way that we lived. Our culture was strong, our language was ...

Before Official Multiculturalism

For almost two decades before Canada officially adopted multiculturalism in 1971, a large network of women and their allies in Toronto were promoting pluralism as a city- and nation-building project. ...

Black Women Under State

The lives and conditions of Black women are inseparable from, and inextricably linked to, all dimensions of social and political life. Black Women Under State centres on the realities of Black women, ...

I Will Live for Both of Us

Born at a traditional Inuit camp in what is now Nunavut, Joan Scottie has spent decades protecting the Inuit hunting way of life, most famously with her long battle against the uranium mining industry. ...

Lives Lived, Lives Imagined

Perceptive, controversial, topical, and achingly funny, Miriam Toews’s books have earned her a place at the forefront of Canadian literature. In this first monograph on Toews’s work, Sabrina Reed ...