Social and ethical issues

Showing 11-20 of 110 title(s)
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Crying Wolf

By (author) Eden Boudreau
Categories: Memoirs

Shortlisted for the 2024 Lambda Literary Award for Bisexual Nonfiction

It's a tale as old as time. Girl meets boy. Boy wants girl. Girl says no. Boy takes what he wants anyway.

After a violent sexual assault, ...

Harvesting Freedom

In this singular firsthand account, a former migrant worker reveals a disturbing system of exploitation at the heart of Canada’s farm labour system.

When Gabriel Allahdua applied to the Seasonal Agricultural ...

La couleur de ma différence

Cover design or artwork by Dorian Danielsen
By (author) Mc Knoell Alexis
Categories: Racism and racial discrimination
Series: Unik

Ici, personne ne porte attention à moi. Tout le monde semble se connaître. Des sourires se dessinent sur les visages, j'entends même leurs rires complices. Sans ami, je garde le silence. Je me sens ...

J'accuse les tortionnaires d'Omar Khadr

Radicalisé depuis l’âge de quatre ans par son père, acteur principal d’Al-Qaïda et proche de ben Laden, Omar Khadr se retrouve au centre d’un conflit où les fondements mêmes de la justice, ...

Amis des hommes ?

By (author) Louis-André Richard
Categories: Animals and society

Léonard de Vinci prédisait qu’un jour, les hommes regarderaient le meurtre des animaux comme ils regardent le meurtre des humains. Ce progrès de civilisation conduit à repenser la relation et la ...

Gifts from Amin

In August 1972, military leader and despot Idi Amin expelled Asian Ugandans from the country, professing to return control of the economy to “Ugandan citizens.” Within ninety days, 50,000 Ugandans ...

Disarm, Defund, Dismantle

Canadian laws are just, the police uphold the rule of law and treat everyone equally, and without the police, communities would descend into chaos and disorder. These entrenched myths, rooted in settler-colonial ...

What the Oceans Remember

Sonja Boon’s heritage is complicated. Although she has lived in Canada for more than 30 years, she was born in the UK to a Surinamese mother and a Dutch father. An invitation to join a family tree ...

Black and White

By (author) Stephen Dorsey
Categories: Ethnic studies

The anticipated debut by a biracial community leader and citizen activist, exploring his lived experience of systemic racism in North America and the paths forward.
My race duality has given me a unique ...

Journal d'un confiné

By (author) Marc Deulceux
Categories: Social impact of disasters

Confinement : « stratégie de réduction des risques sanitaires qui oblige, sous peine de sanctions, une population à rester chez elle ou dans un lieu spécifique. » Forcé au confinement comme nous ...