Sports and Active outdoor recreation

Showing 21-30 of 37 title(s)
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By (author) Mors Kochanski
Categories: Active outdoor pursuits

Clear instructions, extensive use of diagrams, and a full color photo supplement detail all the practical skills and knowledge essential for surviving and enjoying the wilderness. Includes basic instructions ...

The Montreal Canadiens

One of the most famous and certainly most successful professional hockey teams of all time, the Montreal Canadiens are practically a national institution in Québec society. More than any other team, ...

Un sport légendaire

By (author) Stephen Harper
Categories: Ice hockey

«Qui étaient ces prétendants à la coupe Stanley et qu'est-il advenu d'eux? L'histoire nous dit qu'ils formaient la première incarnation des Maple Leafs de Toronto. Or, les efforts acharnés de leurs ...

Courir mieux

How can you improve your times and minimize the risk of injury⎯– and make running more enjoyable at the same time? It’s very simple: You just have to run better, not more.

This book, unlike any ...

Everything About Hockey

By (author) J. Alexander Poulton
Categories: Ice hockey

From Arena to Zamboni, this entertaining A-to-Z guide for hockey lovers covers everything there is to know about Canada’s game--its origins, rules, equipment, terminology, culture, evolution and obscure ...

Cartes, boussoles et GPS

By (author) Jean-Marc Lord & André Pelletier
Categories: Orienteering

My compass showed me the way to follow passion, the path to follow to success, to the end of the world.

This book offers a wealth of practical knowledge of modern orientation practices: maps, the efficient ...

History of Hockey in Canada, A

By (author) J. Alexander Poulton
Categories: History of sport

When British soldiers began settling in early Canada, their sporting traditions blended with a Mi'kmaq game to create a new sport that evolved into hockey. A History of Hockey in Canada traces hockey's ...

Canadian Hockey Literature

By (author) Jason Blake
Categories: Ice hockey

Hockey occupies a prominent place in the Canadian cultural lexicon, as evidenced by the wealth of hockey-centred stories and novels published within Canada. In this exciting new work, Jason Blake takes ...

Le guide de vie et survie en forêt

Three essential objects that may save your life in the wilderness: a knife, a whistle, and matches or a lighter.

This book provides a realistic approach to survival in the woods based on prevention and ...