c 1500 onwards to present day

Showing 31-40 of 65 title(s)
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In a fictionalized French-Canadian Detroit, Gloria moves into her late daughter’s house. Hoping to understand what led to her death and to find her missing granddaughters, she starts exploring her neighbourhood. ...


It’s the middle of the 80s. Little Melanie bravely faces the poverty, cruelty, and injustice of her neighbourhood, which people refer to as “Burgundy. ” With her dishevelled hair and her grape juice ...

La mauvaise mère

Marguerite Andersen a huit ans quand Hitler prend le pouvoir, quinze quand la Seconde Guerre mondiale éclate, vingt au lendemain de l’armistice. Yeux baissés devant l’horreur, toute à sa soif de ...

Lucy Maud Montgomery, écrivaine

Lucy Maud Montgomery est une icône et une écrivaine dont le livre le plus célèbre est Anne… La maison aux pignons verts. Elle est née en 1874 à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. À une époque où ...

The River Battles

By (author) Mark Zuehlke
Categories: Military history
Series: Canadian Battle Series

The fifth and final Canadian Battle Series volume set in Italy, The River Battles tells the story of this campaign’s last and hardest months. In riveting detail and with his trademark “you-are-there” ...

Gorgeous War

By (author) Tim Blackmore
Categories: History of the Americas

Gorgeous War examines ways in which modernist design ideals influenced German and American heraldry, and argues that the two visual worlds form the foundations of contemporary corporate brand programs. ...

Land Beyond the Sea

By (author) Kevin Major
Categories: Historical fiction


In the small hours of October 14, 1942, a German U-boat sank ...

Emperor's Orphans, The

By (author) Sally Ito
Categories: Second World War

From the shadows of postwar Canada and Japan to the vast Canadian prairies of the new millennium, The Emperor’s Orphans explores cultural identity through movements of place and voice. The story Sally ...


Fox moves on quick and elegant feet through the terror and exhilaration of Winnipeg’s 1919 General Strike, the most turbulent period of the city’s history. In a novel of remarkably vivid, kinetic ...