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View of Guadalajara, Mexico at sunset.

Guadalajara International Book Fair (FIL)

Guadalajara International Book Fair

December 2, 3, and 4, 2024

(Professional Days)

Deadline: Friday, June 14

Register Now

Livres Canada Books, in collaboration with the Trade Commissioner Service, and International ...

Book Link Round-Up: 14 June 2024

By Elina Taillon June 14, 2024

Market changes, technological advancements and some book news from this past week.

Book Link Round-Up: 21 June 2024

By Elina Taillon June 21, 2024

Market changes, technological advancements and some book news from this past week.

Job Postings

Founded in 1972, Livres Canada Books is a not-for-profit organization based in Ottawa. Its mandate is to support Canadian-owned and controlled book publishers’ export sales activities in order to help ...

Book Link Round-Up: 28 June 2024

By Elina Taillon June 28, 2024

Market changes, technological advancements and some book news from this past week.