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Running the Goat & Mamu Tshishkutamashutau Innu Education

Running the Goat, Books & Broadsides is a micro press located in Tors Cove, Newfoundland and Labrador. The press began as a letterpress publisher, printing a range of genres: from poem to essay, monologue to manifesto, recipe to recitation. Over the past decade and a half, Running the Goat’s focus has increasingly been on publishing fine children’s books that bring the high standards, quirkiness, wit, and intelligence of its letterpress-printed work to a larger production format: quality of design, materials, production, illustration, and text are all hallmarks
of the press.
We believe that children deserve beautifully designed, intelligent, and engaging books: the books children read have the power to shape them, to cultivate the readers and the citizens they will become as adults. We also believe that truly fine children’s books are intergenerational.
Running the Goat’s books celebrate the stories, history, folklore, language, and culture of Atlantic Canada in ways that highlight the universality of those stories.
A good story, firmly rooted in place, is all the more able to reach out to the world.

Marnie Parsons