Popular medicine and health

Showing 1-10 of 11 title(s)
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Navigating the Messy Middle

By (author) Ann Douglas
Categories: Women’s health

Roughly 68 million North American women currently grapple with the challenges of midlife, faced with a culture that tells them their “best-before date” has long passed. In Navigating the Messy Middle ...

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate

By (author) Judith Finlayson
Foreword by Kent Thornburg
Categories: Popular medicine and health

You Are What Your Grandparents Ate takes conventional wisdom about the origins of chronic disease and turns it upside down. Rooted in the work of the late epidemiologist Dr. David Barker, it highlights ...

Soyez l'expert de votre bébé

By (author) Mélanie Bilodeau
Illustrated by Stephanie Mackay
Categories: Children’s health

Sur un ton humoristique, Mélanie Bilodeau aborde toutes les préoccupations des nouveaux parents. Et elle n’hésite pas à déconstruire joyeusement quelques mythes au passage ! Selon elle, les parents ...

Move or Die

By (author) Tim Sitt
Categories: Popular medicine and health
Series: Reference Series

Get out of your chair, heal your body, enrich your life! Most of us have learned to ignore the signals of our bodies and quietly accept feelings pain or discomfort. This is particularly true in the office ...

Recettes gourmandes contre la douleur chronique

Jacqueline Lagacé offre aujourd’hui un livre de 260 recettes plus gourmand et créatif, qui prouve qu’une cuisine saine, sans gluten et sans produits laitiers, peut être l’occasion de véritables ...

Comment j'ai vaincu la douleur et l'inflammation chronique par l'alimentation

Alors qu’elle lutte contre l’arthrite/arthrose qui la fait souffrir sévèrement, Jacqueline Lagacé découvre le régime hypotoxique du docteur Seignalet et décide de le suivre. Les résultats sont ...

Maternity Rolls

Combining ethnology and memoir, this fascinating book describes the issues surrounding childbirth and motherhood for disabled women. The author, a paraplegic, tells about her own hunt for medical advice ...

About Canada: Health Care

As access to sufficient health care continues to become a dominant—and divisive—issue in the world today, this resource acts as a primer to the public health care system Canada has had in place for ...

Poverty and Policy in Canada

By (author) Dennis Raphael
Foreword by Jack Layton
Categories: Poverty and precarity

Poverty and Policy in Canada provides a unique, interdisciplinary perspective on poverty and its importance to the health and quality of life of Canadians. This original volume considers a range of issues ...