Interest age: from c 9 years

Showing 1-8 of 8 title(s)
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Une année sans aile

À l'hôpital, un petit garçon va à l'hôpital où sa maman vit ses derniers instants. À son décès, une difficile période de deuil s'amorce. La famille doit composer avec le vide et l'absence. Durant ...

Enterrer la lune

In a village in rural India, Latika, a courageous and determined young girl, takes advantage of the visit of a government representative to try to make one of her dreams come true: the construction of ...

Oiseaux de malheur

Hell descended from the sky.
Seated in the back of the family car, Daphné sighs with boredom. Suddenly… Bang! A bird smashes against the windshield. When the teen’s father gets out of the car to ...

Les vieux livres sont dangereux

Do you really know what’s hidden in the basement of your school? Piling dusty books into cardboard boxes doesn’t seem very hard. When the old librarian at his school asks Mathieu to do this one weekend, ...