Relating to people with visible or hidden disabilities, impairments or conditions

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By (author) Amanda Leduc
Categories: Biography: general
Series: Exploded Views

Fairy tales shape how we see the world, so what happens when you identify more with the Beast than Beauty? | If every disabled character is mocked and mistreated, how does the Beast ever imagine a happily-ever-after? ...

Soar, Adam, Soar

By (author) Rick Prashaw
Categories: Biography: general

Adam D. Prashaw’s life was full of surprises from the moment he was born. Assigned female at birth, and with parents who had been expecting a boy, he spent years living as “Rebecca Danielle Adam Prashaw” ...

Terry Fox

This memory book takes the reader back to the 143 days in 1980 when Canadians watched, marvelled and idolized, then mourned and celebrated Terry Fox, a heroic young athlete running to the heart of Canada. ...