National and regional cuisine

Showing 1-10 of 17 title(s)
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Folks & forks Tome II

Je vous ai invité dans mon univers culinaire avec Pour l'amour de la bonne bouffe, paru en 2021. Depuis ce temps, l'aventure s'est poursuivie: votre soutien m'a inspirée et mon imaginaire n'a cessé ...

Passionnément italien

Ma mère, Christina Castagnaro, est la personne à qui je dois ma passion pour la cuisine. Très tôt, elle m'a initie ;a la préparation des repas et au plaisir de les partager avec la famiglia. c'est ...

Mrs Dalgairns's Kitchen

When The Practice of Cookery first appeared in Edinburgh and London editions in 1829, reviewers hailed it as one of the best cookbooks available. The book was unique not only in being wholly original, ...

Poutine nation

En l’espace de 50 ans, la poutine est passée d’un plat régional méconnu à un emblème gastronomique québécois, et même canadien. Du jamais vu dans l’histoire! Comment un mets aussi simple ...

Seven Grains of Paradise

By (author) Joan Baxter
Categories: History

Joan Baxter’s personal quest to learn about the fascinating and much neglected story about many kinds of food in Africa, a continent with a rich farming tradition, intricate cuisines, and a multitude ...

Le secret des Vietnamiennes

By (author) Kim Thúy
Categories: National and regional cuisine

Kim Thúy shares more than 50 exclusive family recipes from her home country—many accompanied by a short text, an extract from a novel, or an anecdote—offering readers an extraordinary glimpse into ...

Smokin', Eh

Using equipment such as backyard BBQs (grills) or more specialized smokers, Anderson describes techniques and tips to help develop your own smoking style. Locally available woods bring different flavour ...

Canadian Cowboy Cookbook, The

The iconic image of the dusty cowboy astride his horse, crooning to his herd, has captured people’s imagination for well over a century. The heyday of the true cowboy may have ended long ago, but our ...

Canadian Heritage Breads

Canada has a rich and delicious tradition of bread-making, going back to the early Native peoples. Successive waves of settlers brought their bread-baking traditions to the country as well, so we have ...