
Showing 1-6 of 6 title(s)
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Civilizing the State

By (author) John Restakis
Categories: Political economy

The liberal state is dead, long live the partner state

Across the world, the liberal nation state is on its knees. Rising inequality, deep political polarization, and the pervasive power of corporations ...

By (author) Jean-Louis Roy
Categories: Globalization

Two powerful forces converged to shift global development in the last three decades from the West to the East and Asia. These same forces now make Africa the “construction site of the century. ” Africa ...

La guerre par d'autres moyens

Sur fond de la montée en puissance de la Chine, du Brexit, des velléités protectionnistes un peu partout dans le monde, notamment aux États-Unis, et d’une économie toujours plus interdépendante, ...

The Rise and Fall of United Grain Growers

By (author) Paul D. Earl
Categories: History of the Americas

For much of the 20th century, United Grain Growers was one of the major forces in Canadian agriculture. Founded in 1906, for much of its history UGG worked to give western farmers a “third way” between ...

Harvest Pilgrims

Like migratory birds, most of Canada's 20,000 'guest' farm workers arrive in the spring and leave in the autumn. Hailing primarily from Mexico, Jamaica, and smaller countries of the Caribbean, these temporary ...

Working in a Global Era

This progressive new reader features work from some of Canada’s most prolific and talented writers on the subject of global markets including David Broad, Naomi Klein, Alan Sears, and David Livingstone. ...