Central / national / federal government policies

Showing 1-10 of 26 title(s)
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Plundering the North

The manufacturing of a chronic food crisis

Food insecurity in the North is one of Canada’s most shameful public health and human rights crises. In Plundering the North, Kristin Burnett and Travis Hay ...

The Compassionate Imagination

“The book is worth reading because it does something rather special: it celebrates Canadian arts and offers ideas to promote their continued cultivation. Wyman’s … enthusiasm for the variety and ...

Building Inclusive Communities in Rural Canada

Edited by Clark Banack & Dionne Pohler
Categories: Rural communities

This collection challenges misconceptions that rural Canada is a bastion of intolerance. While examining the extent and nature of contemporary cultural and religious discrimination in rural Canadian communities, ...

Canadian Labour Policy and Politics

Canadian Labour Policy and Politics is essential reading for undergraduates studying Canada’s labour market. This comprehensive textbook traces the causes and rise of labour inequities and outlines solutions ...

Earth for All

The economic operating system keeps crashing. It’s time to upgrade to a new one.

Five decades ago, The Limits to Growth shocked the world by showing that population and industrial growth were pushing ...

Gifts from Amin

In August 1972, military leader and despot Idi Amin expelled Asian Ugandans from the country, professing to return control of the economy to “Ugandan citizens.” Within ninety days, 50,000 Ugandans ...

Fight to Win

By (author) A.J. Withers
Categories: Social work

AJ Withers draws on their own experiences as an organizer, extensive interviews with the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) activists and Toronto bureaucrats, and freedom of information requests ...

Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future

Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future looks to both the past and the future as it examines the foundational work of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) and the legacy of its 1996 report. It ...

Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times

The contributors to this volume reveal how neoliberalism’s power to redefine “normal” is refashioning every facet of our lives. By providing examples and case studies of neoliberalism in action, ...

Canada’s Official Languages

Canada’s official languages legislation fundamentally altered the composition and operational considerations of federal institutions. With legislative change, Canada’s public service has achieved ...