The Arts

Showing 61-70 of 158 title(s)
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The Science of Orphan Black

An official guide to the science in the hit TV show Orphan Black by science writers Casey Griffin and Nina Nesseth, featuring exclusive insights from co-creator Graeme Manson and science consultant Cosima ...


In 2009, Andrew Grant began photographing dogs, starting with two French bulldogs at an unrelated commercial “shoot. ” Then he discovered the sad fact that millions of lost or abandoned dogs enter ...

Tar Wars

Tar Wars offers a critical inside look at how leading image-makers negotiate escalating tensions between continuous economic growth mandated by a globalized economic system and its unsustainable environmental ...

Should Auld Acquaintance

By (author) Melanie Murray
Categories: Biography: general

Melanie Murray traces the footsteps of Jean Armour and Robert Burns through the village of Mauchline, where they met and married, to their final home in Dumfries, attempting to discover the woman who ...

Design Principles

Aussi disponible en français
Principes de conception : Musée canadien de l’histoire

In 1982, the Government of Canada engaged in the design and construction of the National Museum of Man—now ...

Les opéras de Verdi

By (author) Steven Huebner
Categories: Opera
Series: PUM

Année après année, Giuseppe Verdi reste le compositeur d’opéras le plus joué dans le monde. Pourtant, peu d’études musicologiques sur son style ont été publiées à ce jour. En fait, ce livre, ...

Éclats d'éternité

By (photographer) Yung-Chien Lew
Categories: Photographs: collections

Suite tant attendue du fameux livre 60 biscuits chinois, Éclats d’éternité regroupe 50 pensées positives qui posent un regard à la fois drôle et grave sur des questions existentielles que nous ...

Refus global

Symbole incontestable de la modernité québécoise, à la fois manifeste et recueil d’œuvres d’art, Refus global est entré dans la légende avec ses mythes, ses héros, ses martyrs. Comment a-t-il ...

Citizen City

“A thoughtful response to the call for shared social responsibility in our cities and how now, perhaps more than ever, the architect’s skills are needed to lead the conversation about how we will ...

Wade Davis

By (author) Wade Davis
Categories: Individual photographers

A stunning photography collection from celebrated anthropologist Wade Davis, representing the vast diversity of communities and cultural traditions he has encountered in the course of his career. To learn ...