The Arts

Showing 1-10 of 156 title(s)
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Mother Trouble

By (author) Miranda J. Brady
Categories: Television

Mother Trouble traces white maternal angst in popular culture across a span of more than fifty years, from the iconic Rosemary’s Baby to anti-vaxx mom memes and HGTV shows. The book narrows in on popular ...

Leonard Cohen

By (author) Christophe Lebold
Categories: History of music

Leonard Cohen has aimed high: to be all Jewish heroes at once. Like Jacob, he struggled with angels. Like David, he sang psalms and seduced women. But he never ceased doing what he did best: going from ...

Broken City

How can urban housing, and the land underneath, now account for half of all global wealth? According to Patrick Condon, the simple answer is that land has become an asset rather than a utility. If the ...

Bach's Architecture of Gratitude

Every lover of music finds themselves, at privileged moments, in ecstasy – certain that what they are hearing has captured, somehow, an incontrovertible truth. In Bach’s Architecture of Gratitude James ...

City Symphonies

By (author) Daniel P. Schwartz
Categories: Music

Cinema scholars categorize city symphony films of the 1920s and early 1930s as a subgenre of the silent film. Defined in visual terms, the city symphony organizes the visible elements of urban experience ...

Noir satin

Après De préférence la nuit, Stanley Péan revient avec autant d’entrain, de savoir historique et de ferveur pour défendre et illustrer le monde du jazz. Cette fois-ci, rien que des femmes : une ...

Casa Loma

Leading architect E.J. Lennox designed Casa Loma for the flamboyant Sir Henry Pellatt and Mary, Lady Pellatt as an enormous castellated mansion that overlooked the booming metropolis of Toronto. The first ...

The Compassionate Imagination

“The book is worth reading because it does something rather special: it celebrates Canadian arts and offers ideas to promote their continued cultivation. Wyman’s … enthusiasm for the variety and ...

Indigenous Media Arts in Canada

Indigenous and settler scholars and media artists discuss and analyze crucial questions of narrative sovereignty, cultural identity, cultural resistance, and decolonizing creative practices.
Humans are ...

Créativités autochtones actuelles au Québec

Les Premiers peuples issus du territoire nommé Québec connaissent depuis quelques années un rayonnement culturel considérable. En fait preuve cet ouvrage qui rassemble des témoignages et des comptes ...