
Showing 1-3 of 3 title(s)
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Atlas mondial des dinosaures et autres animaux disparus

Édition revue, corrigée et actualisée par François Therrien, Ph. D., paléontologue au Musée royal Tyrrell en Alberta;

Un outil ludique et éducatif pour découvrir à la fois la faune préhistorique ...

Sisters of the Wolf

Sisters of the Wolf is a thrilling adventure of friendship, culture clash, bravery, and survival set in Ice Age Europe. After being separated from their tribes, Keena and Shinoni must learn to survive ...

Quennu and the Cave Bear

Quennu is afraid of only one thing in her prehistoric world -- cave bears. When she is separated from her family and clan on a journey to the magical caverns where art is made, she must find her way alone. ...