Économie, finance et gestion

Affichage de 71-80 sur 151 titre(s)
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So Far and Yet so Close

A comparative study of frontier cattle ranching in two societies on opposite ends of the globe. It is also an environmental history that at the same time centres on both the natural and frontier environments. ...

Pain and Prejudice

Par (auteur) Karen Messing
Catégories: Philosophie des sciences

In 1978, when workers at a nearby phosphate refinery learned that the ore they processed was contaminated with radioactive dust, Karen Messing, then a new professor of molecular genetics, was called in ...

Unions Matter

Income inequality has risen rapidly over the past three decades. In Canada it is now at its highest level since 1928. One of the root causes: the consistent chipping away of labour rights. The labour ...

Inner City Renovation

Par (auteur) Marty Donkervoort
Avant-propos de Jack Quarter
Catégories: Économies en développement

”This book gives an insight into personal leadership, enterprising solutions and value creation, making it as relevant to practitioners engaged in social enterprise, urban regeneration and community ...

Alternative Trade

Par (auteur) Gavin Fridell
Catégories: Économie internationale

Free trade does not make a significantly positive contribution to a society’s well being, nor does real free trade exist. In Alternative Trade, Gavin Fridell confronts these assumptions through a passionate ...

The Great Revenue Robbery

For decades, the right has flooded the airwaves and taken over the political podiums with its anti-tax hysteria. But Canadians are waking up to the simple truth that taxes are the price we pay for civilization, ...

La coopération internationale solidaire

Par (auteur) Paul Cliche
Catégories: Économie “pour tous”

La coopération internationale solidaire est plus pertinente que jamais dans la conjoncture mondiale. C’est ce que démontre Paul Cliche en traitant des conséquences du modèle de développement néolibéral, ...


In this breathtaking coast-to-coast photographic panorama of Canada, Mike Grandmaison presents a portrait of a country whose seasons reflect the many moods of nature in all its glory. Whether it is the ...

« L'Union fait la force »

En 1863, un groupe de travailleurs originaires du Québec et domiciliés à Ottawa décident de fonder une association de prévoyance pour aider leurs prochains dans le besoin. En s’inspirant de leurs ...