Loisirs et art de vivre

Affichage de 131-140 sur 221 titre(s)
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Le Québec

An outstanding, inspirational book that describes the most beautiful places to see in Canada’s francophone province, Québec. / Qu’il s’agisse de longues expéditions à travers plusieurs régions, ...

Ces galettes dont tout le monde parle

Par (auteur) Madame Labriski
Catégories: Cuisine par type de plats
Séries: Cuisine

Cuisiner des galettes sans sucre et sans gras ajoutés et générer du gros plaisir, c’est possible. Madame Labriski sucre TOUT à la purée de dattes et lie ses recettes avec du yogourt nature sans ...

Magazines, Travel, and Middlebrow Culture

Par (auteur) Faye Hammill & Michelle Smith
Catégories: Études littéraires

A century ago, the golden age of magazine publishing coincided with the beginning of a golden age of travel. Magazines, Travel, and Middlebrow Culture centres on Canada, where commercial magazines began ...

Dam Builders

Par (auteur) Michael Runtz
Catégories: La Terre

Few animals in the world are as famous or as infamous as the beaver, and none save our species has the ability to so dramatically transform its environment. Beavers are remarkable animals. They have teeth ...

Russian Cuisine

This is not a book. It is a voyage into Russian culture. The exploration starts with a tour of Russian history with typical ingredients and an explanation of how these foods became Russian staples. Next ...

Weird Monuments of Canada

Par (auteur) Nicole Carriére
Catégories: Tourisme et voyage

If a country's large statues tell something about who they are as a people, what do Canada's large and weird roadside attractons say about us?
• The Hockey Stick and Puck in Duncan, BC
• The Tin ...

400-Calorie Mains

Most fad diets have very similar results: weight loss followed by weight gain. The truth is that calories count. If you don’t watch calories, the ones that don’t get burned off during daily routine ...