Showing 291-300 of 519 titles.
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Par (auteur) Donald J. Savoie
Catégories: Political Science

In this informative critique of contemporary leadership, renowned political scientist Donald Savoie poses and answers the crucial questions: where is power located, and who is in charge?

In recent years ...

Losing Control

Par (auteur) Tom Warner
Catégories: Gouvernement central ou fédéral

Shedding a bright light on a dark side of Canadian politics, Losing Control critically examines Canada’s social conservative movement and discovers a reactionary, anti-reform insurgency of evangelical ...

The Politics of Linkage

Par (auteur) Brian Bow
Catégories: Political Science

Do Canada and the United States share a special relationship, or is this just a face-saving myth, masking dependency and domination? The Politics of Linkage cuts through the rhetoric that clouds this debate ...

Media Divides

Canada is at a critical juncture in the evolution of its communications policy. Will our information and communications technologies continue in a market-oriented, neoliberal direction, or will they preserve ...

Constitutional Politics in Canada after the Charter

Since the Charter of Rights and Freedoms was introduced, Canada has experienced more than twenty-five years of constitutional politics and countless debates about the future of Canada. There has, however, ...

Global Capitalism in Crisis

Par (auteur) Murray E.G.  Smith
Catégories: Économie politique

Providing a Marxian analysis of the origins, implications, and scope of the current economic downturn, this critique of global capitalism argues that the ongoing crisis is not merely a result of overProduction ...

Economic Democracy

Par (auteur) Allan Engler
Catégories: Classes sociales

Identifying capitalism as a system of privately owned corporations, this book envisions an alternative, more equitable form of economic organization within a democracy. Challenging the current system, ...

Public Service, Private Profits

Par (auteur) John Loxley & Salim Loxley
Catégories: Politique et gouvernement

An analysis of the claim that private-public partnerships (called PPPs or P3s) reduce the building and operating costs of public projects and services, this study examines a large number of P3 case studies—from ...

How Canadians Communicate III

What does Canadian popular culture say about the construction and negotiation of Canadian national identity? This third volume of How Canadians Communicate describes the negotiation of popular culture ...

The Canadian War on Queers

From the 1950s to the late 1990s, agents of the state spied on, interrogated, and harassed gays and lesbians in Canada, employing social ideologies and other practices to construct their targets as threats ...