Cookery / food and drink

Showing 41-50 of 82 title(s)
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Le secret des Vietnamiennes

By (author) Kim Thúy
Categories: National and regional cuisine

Kim Thúy shares more than 50 exclusive family recipes from her home country—many accompanied by a short text, an extract from a novel, or an anecdote—offering readers an extraordinary glimpse into ...

Révolution fermentation

Boost your diet and your health by preparing your own fermentations! It’s much easier than you think to make your own fermented products at home, with no specialized equipment. This book, intended as ...

Les saveurs gastronomiques de la bière

By (author) David Lévesque Gendron & Martin Thibault
Photographs by David Gingras
Categories: Beers and ciders
Series: Optiques

Un livre qui, outrepassant les couleurs et les styles, met en vedette l’étonnante diversité des flaveurs offerte par la boisson alcoolisée la plus populaire de la Terre.

  • La dégustation pour tous, ...


« Renouer avec l’art de la table. Cuisiner de façon consciente, en suivant le rythme des saisons. Accueillir parents et amis dans une ambiance sereine. Trouver beauté et inspiration dans les petites ...

Mieux manger pour prévenir l'Alzheimer et d'autres maladies neurodégénératives

By (author) Cinzia Cuneo
Categories: General cookery and recipes

Grâce aux progrès de la médecine, nous vivons plus longtemps que jamais, mais hélas, pas toujours en bonne santé. Dans 15 ans, on estime que 1,4 million de Canadiens seront atteints d'une forme de ...

Appetizers for Entertaining

An evening with friends and family becomes a memorable event with an attractive and tasty array of starters, tapas, or appetizers. Appetizers for Entertaining is designed to help you plan and cook fabulous ...

Superfood Juicing and Smoothies

A smoothie for whatever ails you. Detailed information about ingredients and the health benefits they offer, as well as a selection of smoothies to help with specific health issues (e. g. lower high blood ...

Smokin', Eh

Using equipment such as backyard BBQs (grills) or more specialized smokers, Anderson describes techniques and tips to help develop your own smoking style. Locally available woods bring different flavour ...

Canadian Cowboy Cookbook, The

The iconic image of the dusty cowboy astride his horse, crooning to his herd, has captured people’s imagination for well over a century. The heyday of the true cowboy may have ended long ago, but our ...

Summer Entertaining

Tried, tested and tasty recipes to charm and delight your guests both outdoors and indoors.