
Showing 1-10 of 40 title(s)
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Stories Left in Stone

By (author) Troy Nahumko
Categories: Travel writing
Series: Wayfarer

Stories Left in Stone: Trails and Traces in Cáceres, Spain is an in-depth journey into the lives, histories, and art of those who live behind and among the stones in Cáceres and the region of Extremadura. ...

Two Pieces of Chocolate

In 1945, young Francine and her maman are sent to the Bergen-Belsen Nazi prison camp, where life is gray and hopeless. Determined to lift Francine’s spirits, Maman shares a secret: hidden inside her ...

Sur les hauteurs du Mont Thoreau

Baignée par un soleil couchant de juin qui n’en finit plus de jouer à cache-cache avec la cime des monts alentour, la route qui mène vers Thoreau Heights est somptueuse. Les soeurs Leroy – Merline, ...

The Bund

Told in an engaging graphic novel format, The Bund explains the oppressive origins of Jewish resistance in Ukraine, Poland, and the "Pale of Settlement" in Tsarist Russia. Jewish people adapted to industrialization ...

Liam et le dragon de Lucerne

By (author) Martine Latulippe
Illustrated by Fabrice Boulanger
Categories: Picture storybooks

Liam a toujours été fasciné par les dragons. Il est chanceux, car sa maman a dans sa bibliothèque un livre de légendes sur ces fabuleuses créatures. En rentrant de l'école, le garçon a hâte de ...

Passionnément italien

Ma mère, Christina Castagnaro, est la personne à qui je dois ma passion pour la cuisine. Très tôt, elle m'a initie ;a la préparation des repas et au plaisir de les partager avec la famiglia. c'est ...


By (author) Eileen Kane
Categories: European history

It is the 1960s, and Ireland is hoping to join what will later become the European Union. The government has devised a plan to stem emigration and save the Irish language by supporting small factories ...

Around England with a Dog

By (author) Lesley Choyce
Categories: Travel and holiday

The story of two seasoned and intrepid Canadian travellers, Lesley and Linda Choyce, who embark on a new adventure with their West Highland terrier, Kelty.

Lesley Choyce is a 70-year-old year-round North ...