The Arts: art forms

Showing 1-10 of 17 title(s)
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Indigenous Media Arts in Canada

Indigenous and settler scholars and media artists discuss and analyze crucial questions of narrative sovereignty, cultural identity, cultural resistance, and decolonizing creative practices.
Humans are ...

Créativités autochtones actuelles au Québec

Les Premiers peuples issus du territoire nommé Québec connaissent depuis quelques années un rayonnement culturel considérable. En fait preuve cet ouvrage qui rassemble des témoignages et des comptes ...

Montréal de clocher en clocher

By (author) François Guillet
Categories: Drawing and drawings

Les églises montréalaises ont beaucoup à montrer et à raconter : les prouesses de l’architecture, des joyaux d’artistes québécois, l’histoire des quartiers, celle des communautés religieuses, ...


By (author) Suzanne Cloutier
Categories: Drawing and drawings

Dans son premier livre, l’artiste Suzanne Cloutier nous offre une exploration de la thématique de l’errance sous toutes ses formes. S’inspirant des travaux du designer Henry Dreyfuss, du Dictionary ...

Narratology in Practice

By (author) Mieke Bal
Categories: Performance art

This companion to the international classic Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative makes the well-known theory useful not only in literary studies, but in other disciplines in the humanities ...

Sculpture in Canada

By (author) Maria Tippett
Categories: Sculpture

Found in public spaces and parks, art galleries and university buildings, along riverbanks as well as in city squares, private gardens and even underwater, Canadian sculpture encompasses a range of materials ...

Tar Wars

Tar Wars offers a critical inside look at how leading image-makers negotiate escalating tensions between continuous economic growth mandated by a globalized economic system and its unsustainable environmental ...

Art of Immersive Soundscapes

What is an immersive soundscape? It can be as simple as a recording made in a forest: leaves crunching underfoot, birds chirping, a squirrel chattering. Or it can be as complex as a movie soundtrack, ...

Brush with Life, A

By (author) John Koerner
Categories: Paintings and painting

In his autobiography, John Koerner explores the underpinnings of his long life as a painter in a lavishly illustrated art book with full-page colour prints of his paintings and many black and white photos ...