La description

With never-before-seen photos and stories from World War I, Sydney Frost’s memoir is unique. It is the most complete account of the First World War by any member of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment of the British Army. Sydney Frost, Regimental Number 58, joined the First Five Hundred, often known as the Blue Puttees, the first night that volunteers were accepted. He served throughout the entire War, rising from the rank of Private to that of Captain, and was awarded the Military Cross for his heroism during the action at Keiberg Ridge, in Belgium, on September 29, 1918. He led one of the two Companies of the Regiment that marched in the Triumphal March of the Dominion Troops through London on May 3, 1919, and returned to St. John’s, Newfoundland, with the Regiment on June 1. After the War he resumed working at the Bank of Nova Scotia and later retired as its President. Edited and annotated by Globe and Mail bestselling author Edward Roberts, a former Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland and Labrador and a Member of the Order of Canada.