Édité par Andy Brown
Traduit par Helge Dascher
Catégories: Essais littéraires, Biographies et ouvrage documentaire, Biographies et études littéraires
Éditeur: Conundrum Press
Paperback : 9781772620184, 280 pages, Novembre 2017

La description

The comics community in Quebec has long been heralded as unique, blending the clear-lined aesthetic of Europe with the underground influences of North America - think Tintin meets R. Crumb. However, most of the work is in the French language. Conundrum Press started its BDANG imprint in 2004 to rectify this situation by translating and publishing work from Quebec comic artists. This volume is a companion to the imprint, collecting interviews and essays on Quebec comics to give context to the history and breadth of the work.