Table des matières

Note on Terminology
Note on Sources
Note on Names

1 - Being and Becoming Metis
2 - The Ties That Bind
3 - Gracious Womanhood
4 - With This Economy We Do Wed
5 - Trader Delorme’s Family
6 - Queen of the Jughandle
7 - Fenced In
8 - Many Voices—One People


Two remarkable Metis women’s lives during the prairie west’s transition from the fur trade.

La description

In Metis Pioneers, MacKinnon compares the survival strategies of two Metis women born during the fur trade—one from the French-speaking free trade tradition and one from the English-speaking Hudson’s Bay Company tradition—who settled in southern Alberta as the fur trade transitioned to a sedentary agricultural and industrial economy. MacKinnon provides rare insight into their lives, demonstrating the contributions Metis women made to the building of the prairie west. This is a compelling tale of two women’s acts of quiet resistance in the final days of the British Empire.


Self-fashioning is also a focus of Doris Jeanne MacKinnon’s Metis Pioneers, as she details the lives of two Métis women born in 1861, during the time when the fur-trade culture into which they both were born transitioned into a new settler-colonial economy. ... The book aims to explain how two Métis women fashioned themselves as respectable homesteading pioneers, transforming a birth identity that was increasingly scorned as incoming settlers swamped more inclusive fur-trade sensibilities after the Riel Resistance in 1885. " Canadian Literature, November 30, 2018 [Full review at http://canlit. ca/article/first-lives]

- Margery Fee

"[These two women's] individual paths provide interesting parallel stories about Metis women who survived and thrived as the Canadian west transitioned from the fur trade to a more sedentary agricultural economy. Marie Rose’s family was French-speaking Metis and a few served as Louis Riel’s soldiers. Isabella was from the English-speaking Metis stock. Both were born in 1861 and both married non-Indigenous men in unions that were influenced, or arranged outright, by their families. Both families had a strong history in the fur trade; Marie Rose’s were free traders and Isabella as part of the Hudson’s Bay Company. Both were community builders who later relied on their influence and circle of acquaintances for support after they became widows and fell on hard times. And the stories of both women showed how the Metis people continued to make significant contributions to the Canadian west even after the fur trade ended, an area of historical study that MacKinnon thinks is rife for discovery...." Eric Volmers, Calgary Herald, March 17, 2018 [Full article at]

“MacKinnon has written a meticulously researched and engaging account of the lives of two intelligent, resourceful, and strong Metis women.” Donald B. Smith, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Calgary

"MacKinnon's book offers readers an in-depth look at the contributions each of the two women made to the growth of Canada's west, but more than that, it is a book about courage, resilience, determination and strength of character. The book was written to tell the truth..." John Copley, Alberta Native News, April 2018

"This book deals with the lives of two frontier women - Isabella Lougheed and Marie Rose Smith. They both were Metis but their histories were miles apart. ... The author has found a rich source of history in these two women and offers them in a detailed account of their lives." Alberta History, May 2018

"Whether or not the two women were ever in the same room together, their individual paths provide interesting parallel stories about Metis women who survived and thrived as the Canadian west transitioned from the fur trade to a more sedentary agricultural economy…And the stories of both women showed how the Metis people continued to make significant contributions to the Canadian west even after the fur trade ended, an area of historical study that MacKinnon thinks is rife for discovery." Eric Volmers, Windsor Star, March 2018

“The cultural bridging demonstrated by the two women subjects of this book is both evident and significant.” Wayne Holst, Colleagues List II, April 2018