La description

Notes from a Feminist Killjoy: Essays on Everyday Life attempts to think publicly about why we need feminism and especially why we need the figure of the feminist killjoy, now. From the complicated practices of being a mother and a feminist, to building friendship among women as a community-building and community-sustaining project, to writing that addresses rape culture, these essays invite the reader into a conversation about gender, feminism, and living in an inequitable world. To learn more about this publisher, click here: http://bit. ly/2IU1arj


  • Winner, Margaret and John Savage First Book Award 2017
  • Short-listed, Atlantic Book Award for Scholarly Writing 2017
  • Winner, Evelyn Richardson Non-Fiction Award 2017


"Erin Wunker's first book is a useful navigational tool even for those steeped in the precepts of women's studies. Her Notes represents a smorgasbord of reflection."—Sarah Murdoch, Toronto Star and Metro Canada (Toronto)

"Wunker renders the label 'feminist killjoy' one that readers can be proud to wear." —Quill and Quire (starred review)

"Women reaching out to one another, telling each other our stories. This is a structural tactic. It is also crucial to the work of justice and social change. Let us take Wunker's core message to heart and continue this messy, complex, and vital conversation."—The Fem

“These essays quench my thirst for clear, smart critical theory, written with love and footnotes and personal stories and experiences. Why has academic writing consistently tried to separate the heart from the head? Why? Erin Wunker’s essays are perfect, especially Chapter 2—”Notes on Friendship.”—49th Shelf 

Notes From a Feminist Killjoy is an honest, personal feminist work essential to this moment, when reminders of why we need feminism are all around us.”—Vagabond City

“I love the way the narrative thread of Wunker’s book makes its way with seeming effortlessness. There is nothing laboured about how a discussion of rape culture leads to the Jian Ghomeshi trial leads to women coming together leads to a chapter on friendship.”—Pickle Me This

“This collection by Erin Wunker…is the spiritual successor to Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things to Me. The essays are air-tight, intertwining traces of memory and theory, the best kind of non-fiction. Wunker takes up the figure of the Feminist Killjoy and explores its political potential, bringing an essential stream of feminist theory to a wider public.”—Large Hearted Boy

“Engagement with this book means subscribing to ideals that might better the lives of those who have been used and made voiceless by a patriarchal society. And so, the reading of the book itself is a political act with great weight.”—Atticus Review

"Written as a series of linked notes, Erin uses her training as an academic to name and articulate the things we feel in our bones but do not have the words for, rendering intelligible to us the things we experience moving through the world in gendered bodies.”—Hook and Eye

"Notes from a Feminist Killjoy is an answer to what is needed now—a self-consciously contingent rejoinder to the question of 'who needs feminism?' "—

“What is a Feminist Killjoy? In Erin Wunker’s introduction to her new book, she attributes the term to Sara Ahmed and calls the FK “that irreverent figure who lights a match and joyfully flicks it into the dry hull of patriarchal culture.” With everything that’s happened, you bet your bottom dollar we’re on board.”—All Lit Up

“I want to gift the book to everyone I know and share the experience of reading it with them. In a time when I needed one, I read this book and found a friend.”—The Chronicle of Higher Education

“Wunker’s vulnerability is honest in a way that speaks instantly to the concerns and struggles faced by those who take up the mantle of being a feminist killjoy.”—The Town Crier

“One of the greatest merits of Notes from a Feminist Killjoy is its style of personal musings: by employing brief and often unfinished thoughts, Wunker lends us the opportunity to complete the feminist killjoy sentiment, filling in blanks and empathizing with our own set of experiences.”—The Goose

“This book should be considered essential reading.”—rob mclennan's blog

Notes from a Feminist Killjoy is an answer to what is needed now — a self-consciously contingent rejoinder to the question of “who needs feminism?” —

“Wunker’s book demands that readers find new ways to talk about things.”—Atlantic Books Today

“Over 209 pages of linked notes, the volume wends like a passionate discussion over a long afternoon with your very-smart-and-ready-to-disrupt best friend.”—Hamilton Review of Books

“In Notes, Wunker’s literary erudition, pop-culture references, and memoir fragments work together as a model of intersectional feminism and allyship.” —Canadian Literature